Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Orphanage Visit

Day Three
The Orphanage visit and her finding spot

Today was the hardest day so far.  There have been lots of tears....from everyone.  She has great times and then there are those moments....or tonight those hours of uncontrollable screaming.  My heart breaks to see her in so much pain and she will not let you touch her or console her at all. 
Today we had an opportunity to see into Cambree's past.  When you see where she came from you can understand the fear.....insecurities....and.......brokeness.

Our first stop was her finding spot.  The spot where her mom dropped her off and abandoned her.  This is a really nice hotel in the city.  The local newspaper from that day read that she was left on the front sidwalk going into this hotel.
After Cambree was found on the sidewalk, she was taken to the local orphanage which was Kunming City Children's Welfare Institute.  I had so much mixed emotions on whether we should visit.  I'm so thankful that we did. 

As we walked back down those same halls where she lived, the ladies called out her name.  We saw the room where she stayed while there.

The babies were precious.  Some so tiny. I am so thankful that her time spent there was limited.  Although the facility was beautiful and the ladies all so sweet, I am thankful that she was with a foster nanny that could give more love and attention.

So today we stood on the steps of the facility for one last picture of the orphanage as we said our goodbyes.

 We are thankful for the local people of Kunming for finding her, thankful for the orphanage workers for providing for her and thankful for a nanny to love her until our arrival.  Today we are thankful for one more smile from our beautiful baby girl.

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