Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our Dossier is off to China!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after 7 months worth of paperwork I receive notice today that it has finally left the United States of America via Fed Ex and headed to the People's Republic of China!  It is so hard to imagine that we have worked so hard on this paperwork and China has never heard of the Condra family from Douglasville Georgia.  In just a few days the China Center of Child Welfare and Adoption will receive our letter pleading with them to allow us to adopt one of their precious little girls. 
As I received the tracking information today I had to laugh because my whole life is in one little package flying across the world this week.
Today I am filled with many emotions.  Excited that we are getting closer to seeing a picture of the little girl we will call our daughter.  Feeling anxiety over the trip as a whole.  Scared of the unknown and all there is to come with this new journey.  Thankful that our God is still holding our hands each step of the way. 

So, tonight I sit back and wait.......I have done my part.......and there is nothing left for me to do.......
Except Pray.