I can't believe it has already been a year, yet I can't remember not having you! You have came so far and I stand amazed at your journey this year.
Your first year has been packed with all new experiences. You went to the beach for the first time and loved it so much. Each day was packed with new things.... Often trips like the beach and water park, then daily activities like the swimming pool, swing set and ballpark.
When we first got home I thought we would only be eating rice.... However I was happy to see you would eat anything... And everything. Your most favorite continues to be carbs and sweets. Your new fascination is bacon bits. It's a full time job cleaning up after you, your grits, your snacks and spilled bacon bits all over the floor.
I was positive on day one and still positive now that you could win a world record with your scream. Never in my life.... Wow! However joy comes in the morning! Your laugh and your smile melts my heart! When you get to laughing I lose your eyes but get to see the cute little dimples under your eyes. Watching your sideways run makes us crack up laughing. One year ago we picked you up and you couldn't walk or talk. Now your running like crazy and talking up a storm. I love getting the questions on if you can say any words in English. I wish those people could spend some time in the car with you! Wow!! You speak in sentences and are so very smart!
It wrecks me to think in your short life of 27 months that you spent so much time moving around. The first 5 months with your birth mom, 5 months at the orphanage and 5 months with a foster nanny. I'm thrilled that 12 months ago you made your last move.... With your forever family, in your forever home!
This year has been a roller coaster for our family! We are learning to manage life with three kids..... We are often a hot mess, but wouldn't have it any other way. Getting out the door with everyone is nothing short of an Olympic style race! You want to dress yourself, pick out your shoes and search for just the right hairbow.. Which falls out of your hair in two seconds.
What a year it has been! Happy one year Gotcha Day Cambree Jade!!!
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