Thursday, September 20, 2012

China finally knows my name!

On Friday August 24th our paperwork arrived in China.  Since then we have been waiting for them to process our paperwork and log us into their system.  We were told this would take about 2 weeks and of course we heard nothing for a month.  We received word this morning that we have a LID (Log in Date) of September 10th.  I guess they forgot to let this waiting mom know of this very important information that I have been every so patiently waiting on. So what now??  Well, we are almost to the most important step.  In the next 1- 2 week another list of available children will come out.  From that list my agency will try and match us with our child.  I will not lie I am completely freaked out!  I can fill out paperwork from now until Jesus comes, but now the reality of being matched has set in and I’m scared to death.  I have no fingernails because I have chewed them off, I am stress eating, my face is broken out and I could not find my way out of a box right now.  I’m a complete wreck!!  Praying for peace and assurance over the next few weeks!  It is not my agency choosing our child, it is not me picking our child but this is a God thing.  Before she was ever born God knew that one day she would be mine. 
Psalms 139:16
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.