Tuesday, December 18, 2012

More December Birthdays!

Happy birthday to my baby girl.
December 18th
Today on the other side of the world, in Kunming China, my youngest daughter turns one year old!  I'm not there to throw her an over the top birthday party, watch her get icing all over her face from her first birthday cake, take a million pictures or sing happy birthday to her.  Other than missing her acutal birth, this is truly the hardest milestone to miss.  Although right now we are seperated by an ocean, I know that God has her in His hands. 
When we received her file there were many reasons I knew that she was mine.  We had to laugh because she had a December birthday.  Out of 6 little kids in our family, 4 of them have December birthdays.  So, of course she belongs to my family......she has a December birthday.
So, today we celebrate without her.  However, you better believe that next year we will have one big party!

Happy birthday to my Cambree Jade!  Your family loves you already and cannot wait for you to arrive.

Our second celebration is the birth of my first nephew. 
Yesterday on December 17th we welcomed the arrival of Cooper James Williams three weeks early.  He weighed 8 lbs 3 oz and was 19.5 inches long.  Oh....my....he is so adorable!  I am over the moon thrilled for Jennifer and Jamie.  This precious son came just at the right time.  Not only is he just beautiful, he is also sweet as can be.  We are already in LOVE!  I cannot believe these two babies will have birthdays one day apart.  Best friends these two will be.   So, today we also celebrate Cooper!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy birthday Caden!

Eight years ago on December 1, 2004 at 2:43am God allowed me to become a mom to my little athletic, energetic, fireball from heaven.  Caden amazes me with his talents.  Although he hates school, I'm pretty sure he can do anything you can imagine outside with his hands.  I cannot believe how athletic such a tiny little guy can be.  I cannot walk and chew gum at the same time, but he can play any sport that has a ball.  He says he can hear me over everyone else at the ballpark as I cheer for him.  Maybe he will play for the Braves one day.  You could offer Caden a trip anywhere and he would choose to play outside.  He lives outside regardless of the weather from sun up to sun down.  Seriously!  Nothing makes him happier than to be in the dirt.  I never knew that one little guy could make me cry harder than I've ever cried, laughed harder than I have ever laughed, worry myself sick over everything, and want to pull my hair out on any given day.  I realize each day how inadequate my mom skills are and how many mistakes I make each day. However, despite it all, he loves me anyway. 
After 6 1/2 years of being an old child I had no idea how he would react when Callie was born.  He took pride when she was little feeding her a morning bottle, and rocking her to sleep.  Now at 8 years old and 16 months old it is hilarious to watch them play together.  She is tough as nails thanks to her big brother.  He is so good to her and she just giggles when he comes home from school each day.  I think he will always be her protective big brother.  Pretty soon he will have 2 little girls that will be wrapped around his finger.  How fun it will be to watch the little girls try and keep up with him.
Caden Lee I love you!  Happy birthday!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

We Have a Baby!!!!

God Can Move the Mountains!

Our adoption paperwork arrived in China back in September.  Each month as China sends out the list of available orphans, we were told they were unable to find a match for us.  Each month has been filled with heartache as no match was found.  Our agency is working on agreements with two orphanages however those children's files will not be ready until February.  So, I decided that between Thanksgiving, Christmas, multiple birthdays, New Years and the birth of my first nephew that I would stay busy until it was my turn to receive a match.
Monday night, November 26th a list came out from China.  We were not expecting to hear anything however, we had a specific prayer.  After three months of waiting we prayed for God to move mountains if our little girl was on the November list.  We ask for Him to take away all obstacles in the way of us being matched with her.
He has moved the mountains and we have a match!!  As I sat at work Tuesday morning scanning through my list of emails, one came in from our agency that said "possible referral". My hands were shaking so hard that I could not even type.  As I opened the email I saw 22 attachments.  The first 18 that I opened were all in Chinese!  Seriously?!?  I can hardly speak English so how in the world can I read these files.  Then I came across the most precious, bright eyed, round chubby cheeks baby girl and I knew that our search was over!

She is 11 months old living in Kunming City, China.  She was found abandoned on the streets and at the time she was found the doctors "guessed" she was about 5 months old.  As many of you know we went through the special needs program of China, so many of you have ask what her special needs might be.  Well, her paperwork reads that she has a mild heart murmur, and she is small for her age.  Are you for real?!?!?!  Several members of my family have a heart murmur and she is small for her age because you don't really know her age!  Needless to say we are blessed beyond measures.

God can move the mountains!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I realized it’s been a while since I have posted about the adoption so I wanted to let you know what has been going on……..Oh ya, NOTHING! That is what's happening. We have hit a brick wall and we are at a complete stand still. All of our paperwork is complete and we are just wanting on a referral. China sends out a list of available children about every 5 weeks and we have not been matched in the past two lists.
Uhhh…is there all of a sudden a shortage of orphan girls in China?!?!?! This has probably been the hardest week so far in this 9 month process. I cannot explain how broken hearted, frustrated, confused, and upset I was when I found out for the second month in a row our agency was unable to find us a match. Our agency told us we might be waiting much longer than I had ever expected. Possibly 5 months for a referral.
So, after a day filled with lots of tears (and eating lots of chocolate)…..I now have a peace……A peace that God is in control, and I have to trust in His perfect timing. I Peter 5:7 says to “Cast all your care on Him, because He cares for you”.
God knows exactly who our little baby girl is, where she is at, and He has already chosen her to be mine. So, until I am matched with her, I will wait. Knowing He is in control.

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Takeing every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord

Thursday, September 20, 2012

China finally knows my name!

On Friday August 24th our paperwork arrived in China.  Since then we have been waiting for them to process our paperwork and log us into their system.  We were told this would take about 2 weeks and of course we heard nothing for a month.  We received word this morning that we have a LID (Log in Date) of September 10th.  I guess they forgot to let this waiting mom know of this very important information that I have been every so patiently waiting on. So what now??  Well, we are almost to the most important step.  In the next 1- 2 week another list of available children will come out.  From that list my agency will try and match us with our child.  I will not lie I am completely freaked out!  I can fill out paperwork from now until Jesus comes, but now the reality of being matched has set in and I’m scared to death.  I have no fingernails because I have chewed them off, I am stress eating, my face is broken out and I could not find my way out of a box right now.  I’m a complete wreck!!  Praying for peace and assurance over the next few weeks!  It is not my agency choosing our child, it is not me picking our child but this is a God thing.  Before she was ever born God knew that one day she would be mine. 
Psalms 139:16
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our Dossier is off to China!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after 7 months worth of paperwork I receive notice today that it has finally left the United States of America via Fed Ex and headed to the People's Republic of China!  It is so hard to imagine that we have worked so hard on this paperwork and China has never heard of the Condra family from Douglasville Georgia.  In just a few days the China Center of Child Welfare and Adoption will receive our letter pleading with them to allow us to adopt one of their precious little girls. 
As I received the tracking information today I had to laugh because my whole life is in one little package flying across the world this week.
Today I am filled with many emotions.  Excited that we are getting closer to seeing a picture of the little girl we will call our daughter.  Feeling anxiety over the trip as a whole.  Scared of the unknown and all there is to come with this new journey.  Thankful that our God is still holding our hands each step of the way. 

So, tonight I sit back and wait.......I have done my part.......and there is nothing left for me to do.......
Except Pray. 


Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy birthday Callie

Happy birthday to my sweet Callie Ann!

Callie has the most beautiful blue eyes, big smile and a precious personality.  She makes us laugh with her silly faces, and crazy sounds she makes.  She is such a happy baby and loves to play her little heart out.  She keeps us on our toes as she begins to explore around the house, opening cabinets and doors, climbing on everything, learning to walk and eating anything that comes into her reach.

I cannot believe she is already one year old!  Where has this year gone?  I am so exited to think that next year she will have a sister to celebrate with her on this special day.  I cannot wait to see the two of them together.  Best friends they will be! 

Mommy loves you baby girl!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Chad!!

Today we celebrate Chad’s birthday.  He is our fearless leader, pool guy, lifeguard, dishwasher, chief landscaper, little league baseball coach, lego builder, car washer, and nighttime baby whisperer. 

He wears many hats but he is our Daddy…….Husband……..Provider. 

We pray this time next year he has one more little angel in his lap!

Happy birthday!  We love you so much!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Step one is finally complete!

After a long wait......104 days to be exact....our home study is complete.  For those of you who are not up on the adoption terms, a home study is a detailed written report of your family, compiled and prepared by a social worker. So, over the past few months we have been interviewed numerous times by a social worker, gathered more documents that you could ever imagine, and been investigated under a microscope to make sure we are fit parents to adopt.  They have even interviewed Caden (everyone stop laughing!!) and yes we are able to proceed.  We have done multiple sets of fingerprints, background checks, had 911 reports pulled, finanical statements, reference checks, health screenings, and my favorite so far...the county septic tank inspection.  What in the what?!?!?  So, let me get this straight.  My child is in China, living in an orphanage, going to the bathroom in...well who knows where, but it is important to have my septic tank inspected.  Oh, well it is done.  The past few months my dining room table has been turned into the adoption paperwork center.  A normal size desk isn't big enough people!  I'm talking about serious stacks of paperwork.  So, with all that said...step one is complete.  Now time to move along to another step.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hello China - Meet the Condra's

As many of you already know we are in the process of adopting a little girl from China.  Can I get a woot woot!!  (Line one and I already have tears flowing).  God has truly blessed us with a precious little family.  Chad and I just celebrated our 16 year anniversary this week and have two children.  So many of you have asked what and where did this decision come from?  This has not been something that came up overnight and not something we have entered into lightly.  A few years after the LOOONG awaited arrival of Caden (who is my 7 year old energetic, athletic, fireball from Heaven), we started talking about adopting.  We never took that step to just “do” it because of money.  Oh, and let me say we still don’t have the money!!  So, if you know anyone who has about a kazillion dollars to donate to the cause please send them my way – Amen and thank you.  So, this is what FAITH is all about.  Seriously stepping out and knowing you cannot do anything without HIM.  A few years ago a precious family in our church started the process to adopt.  I knew the first time we talked that we should be filling out our paperwork just as they were.  About that same time out of the blue I found out I was pregnant.  What?? Seriously!?  Me?!?  It had been 6 LONG years of praying for another baby and God gave her to us in HIS precious timing.  Callie is our 9 month old little joy!  She makes me smile each day with that happy, fat little face.  I’m pretty sure that her cheeks stay chapped from me smooching all over them.  Ok, so now that God has given me TWO little miracle babies how could I forget about the orphans?!?  Over all this time our desire to adopt a baby has never stopped.  So, the beginning of this year( 2012) we started the paper chase.  I now know why there are 147 million orphans!  I mean really??? I’m pretty sure after this I should have my law degree.   Each time I am overwhelmed with stacks of paperwork, I remember this is one piece of paper closer to holding a sweet baby that doesn’t have a home, no parents and no one to love them.  One that carries the title as orphan.  So, bring on the paperwork!    I do have to stay this doesn’t come with FEAR.  Did I mention that I am scared of ……okay that list is way too long.  I am petrified of everything.  I need medication to fly a short flight (seriously) and it is a 16 hour flight to the other side of the world over the ocean!  I have already mentioned I have no idea where we are going to come up with this money (just google China adoption people it’s a lot of money!).  I live in a box.  No joke!  I don’t like Chinese food, I don’t like unusual different foods and they won’t have a Chick fil A there-and we have to go for a few weeks.  So, I might be skinny after this trip (woohoo!).  The devil often tells me how I am not qualified to adopt an orphan.  But my God tells me HE is.  Praise God that He equips the called and doesn’t call the equipped.  So, for those of you scratching your heads and saying “the Condra’s – really?  Trust me.  We did the same thing.  We have our hands full already, we are sorta old, very busy schedules, working full time and a little crazy on any given day.  However, a busy, old, overbooked, crazy mom and dad is better than no mom or dad. My point in saying all this is to ask for your Prayers!  Seriously, calling out my prayer warriors!!  This is a very long……long…..long journey.  I’m pretty sure we won’t get to travel until next spring/summer.  I write this for 3 reasons.  One is because I want to share with her one day of our amazing journey and with you our journey to rescue our daughter from China and bring her home. The second is because if I don’t write it down I will forget ( I cannot remember what I had for breakfast must less in a few years remember this whole process).  The last and most important reason is for you to see my post and lift us up in prayer.